As part of Inria Bordeaux's GT Parité-Egalité, and to mark International Women's Rights Day, Marie-Christine Lipani will be giving a seminar entitled: "Sexisme, diversité, parité.... La construction des représentations médiatiques: Un enjeu sociétal et éthique?". The aim of this format is to showcase the work of researchers from the Bordeaux ecosystem working on themes related to those of the WG.
The seminar will take place in the Ada Lovelace room in the Inria building on the Talence site. Presentations will be given in French. If you are from outside the Inria center, please bring your ID with you.
It will also be accessible by videoconference for those unable to attend.
For logistical reasons, please register on the following form, here, especially if you plan to attend the seminar in person.
Are the media sexist? Is media content discriminatory? Is society represented in all its diversity....? These are just some of the questions we'll be asking. The idea is to understand how, in particular, gender stereotypes can shape the day-to-day work of journalists, which represents a major societal challenge since media discourse is never neutral.
Marie-Christine Lipani is a lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences at the Bordeaux Aquitaine Institute of Journalism (IJBA), part of Bordeaux Montaigne University.
She is also in charge of equality and anti-discrimination at Bordeaux Montaigne University, and her research focuses largely on women's access to positions of power in the print media.