
  • AAAI 2025
    Marius Belly, Nathanaël Fijalkow, Hugo Gimbert, Florian Horn, Guillermo Perez, and Pierre Vandenhove received the best paper award at AAAI 2025, the world's largest
  • Collaboration Kéolis
    Kéolis and the Bordeaux University create a laboratory to meet the challenges of sustainable mobility.
  • France musique-IA
    Louis Bigo spoke in a France Musique column on the theme of Musique + maths, and more specifically on the subject of AI-based music composition.
  • IA-Observatoire
    Aurélie Bugeau is scientific co-director of the Observatory on the Environmental Impact of AI.
  • Bâtiment LaBRI
    Loann Giovannangeli was awarded an accessit by the GDR IG-RV for his thesis (defended in November 2023) entitled “Generation and evaluation of visualizations with machine
  • Culture Recherche IA-Louis Bigo
    Louis Bigo (SCRIME) and his colleagues are featured in an article in issue 147 of the magazine Culture et Recherche, published by the French Ministry of Culture.
  • Prix Anaïs Binet
    Anaïs Binet, working on her thesis with Myriam Desainte-Catherine (I&S department, TAD team), is the winner of the “Mature for PhD +” competition. She was honored at the
  • Amphi LaBRI
    From February 03 to 05, 2025, the 17th Bordeaux Combinatorics Days (JCB 2025) will be held at the LaBRI. Registration before January 06, 2025, here.