Xavier Blanc

- Professeur
- Université de Bordeaux
- Département
- SeD
- Équipe
- Programmation, Réseaux et Systèmes
- Fonction administrative
- Directeur de l'unité de recherche
- Page personnelle
- http://www.labri.fr/perso/xblanc/
- Adresse E-mail
- xavier.blanc
- Bureau
- 174
- Tel
- +33 (0)5 40 00 35 35
I started to work on Software Engineering in 2002 when I have joined the Pierre et Marie Curie
University. At this time, I have participated to the Modelware project and contributed to the
definition of ModelBus that was a middleware fitted to model interoperability.
I then participated to the Modelplex project where I decided to focus more on collaborative edition
of models. I then contribute to the definition of Praxis that is a solution for dealing with model
consistency. I am now participating to the Movida and the Galaxy project that address respectively
mutli-view modeling and distributed collaborative model edition.
In septembre 2010, I moved to University Bordeaux 1. I am now doing my research at the LaBRI where I
am working on model development life cycle.