Head department: Pierre Ramet

The SATANAS department contributes to the design and development of robust and high-performance simulation tools for hybrid architectures at exascale. Solving these problems requires a multidisciplinary approach involving applied mathematics, scientific computing and computer science. The department is developing skills in a variety of areas, including programming paradigms, sophisticated scheduling mechanisms and innovative numerical methods for scientific applications with a strong societal and economic impact.

The SATANAS department develops a complete software stack for dense and sparse linear algebra, based on the StarPU runtime support, for academic and industrial research.

We are developing collaborations and transfer activities via joint theses with the CEA and IFPEN, with industrialists EVIDEN and AIRBUS, and more widely via the PEPR NumPEx.


Teams :

STORM (STatic Optimizations, Runtime Methods)

Manager  : Olivier Aumage

The goal of the STORM team is to make efficient use of parallel machines. On the one hand, this involves making it easier to express the parallelism of an application in order to capture the essence of the algorithms. This expression is achieved through standards (OpenMP, MPI), specific languages and libraries, and is supported by verification tools. It also involves proposing methods for implementing these applications on heterogeneous architectures (CPU, GPU, FPGA) using static and dynamic optimisations and fine-grained management of computational resources. This work will be implemented in internationally distributed software (AFF3CT, MIPP, ParCoach, StarPU).

TADaaM (Topology-aware system-scale data management for high-performance computing)

Manager  : Brice Goglin

The TADaaM team's approach is data-driven: the data used by applications must be in the right place at the right time to avoid blocking computations. On the one hand, we model computing platforms and applications to understand how they interact. Second, we provide applications with services that allow them to describe their needs and dynamically optimise resource allocation using scalable algorithms. This work is implemented in internationally distributed software (hwloc, Scotch) and in international standards to which we contribute (e.g. MPI, which manages communication in parallel applications).

TOPAL (Tools and Optimization for high Performance Applications and Learning)

Manager : Abdou Guermouche

The aim of the TOPAL team is to develop tools for optimizing applications on high performance computing platforms. In particular, we are interested in linear and tensorial algebra and machine learning. To achieve these goals, we focus on the use of runtimes to manage the dynamics of resource performance, compression to minimise memory footprint and data exchange, and minimisation of energy consumption.

At Inria, the heads of the teams :

Annuaire liste
ID Name Email Phone Office Status Team Function
Aumage_ID1084917612 Aumage Olivier olivier.aumage[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 41 19 INRIA CR 43 Responsable Equipe Supports Exécutifs Haute Performance (Dpt SATANAS) / Responsable équipe STORM
Beaumont_ID1084917620 Beaumont Olivier olivier.beaumont[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 40 00 37 98 IMB DR AAHP Délégué Scientifique INRIA
Coulaud_ID1084917657 Coulaud Olivier olivier.coulaud[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 80 INRIA DR AAHP
Counilh_ID1084917658 Counilh Marie-Christine marie-christine.counilh[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 97 INRIA MdC 43 Resp. du tutorat Licence Informatique.
Esnard_ID1084917687 Esnard Aurelien aurelien.esnard[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 41 08 INRIA MdC AAHP Resp. C2I, correspondant université, correspondant com/web
Mercier_ID1084917747 Mercier Guillaume guillaume.mercier[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 41 00 INRIA MdC SEHP
Namyst_ID1084917756 Namyst Raymond raymond.namyst[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 34 INRIA Pr 43 Responsable du thème Supports Exécutifs Haute Performance. Responsable de la spécialité CISD au sein du Master Informatique
Pellegrini_ID1084917767 Pellegrini Francois francois.pellegrini[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 00 INRIA Pr SEHP Resp. du Thème Outils pour les Algorithmes Numériques.
Wacrenier_ID1084917815 Wacrenier Pierre-Andre pierre-andre.wacrenier[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 99 INRIA MdC 43 Resp. Licence 3 informatique
Denis_ID1094543910 Denis Alexandre alexandre.denis[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 41 14 INRIA CR SEHP
Thibault_ID1094543913 Thibault Samuel samuel.thibault[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 00 INRIA Pr 43 Responsable L1 informatique et Co-responsable de la licence pro Métiers de l'informatique : administration et sécurité des systèmes parcours ADSILLH (avec Olivier DELMAS)
Furmento_ID1107246159 Furmento Nathalie nathalie.furmento[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 38 76 262 - INRIA IR SEHP Responsable de la commission utilisateurs de PlaFRIM/DiHPES
Guermouche_ID1125992598 Guermouche Abdou abdou.guermouche[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 41 03 INRIA MdC AAHP Resp. Master Informatique parcours Cryptologie et sécurité informatique.Responsable Equipe AAHP.
Goglin_ID1159516905 Goglin Brice brice.goglin[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 91 INRIA CR SEHP Responsable équipe TADaaM
Eyraud-dubois_ID1188202150 Eyraud-dubois Lionel lionel.eyraud-dubois[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 00 INRIA CR AAHP
Jeannot_ID1252055655 Jeannot Emmanuel emmanuel.jeannot[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 93 INRIA DR SEHP
Agullo_ID1262701080 Agullo Emmanuel +33 (0)5 24 57 40 00 INRIA CR AAHP Correspondant de la commission
Ramet_ID1288949507 Ramet Pierre pierre.ramet[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 00 INRIA Pr AAHP Responsable du Département SATANAS
Giraud_ID1308216243 Giraud Luc luc.giraud[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 41 10 INRIA DR AAHP
Faverge_ID1364224327 Faverge Mathieu mathieu.faverge[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 00 Inria B225 -Enseirb-Matmeca P238 MdC AAHP Responsable des Projets à finalité entreprise du département informatique de l'ENSEIRB-MATMECA
Saillard_ID1373277098 Saillard Emmanuelle emmanuelle.saillard[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 00 INRIA CR 43
Zanon-boito_ID1567497360 Zanon-boito Francieli francieli.zanon-boito[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 40 00 37 93 252 MdC SEHP Resp. Licence informatique parcours International avec frédérique Carrère
Lima-pilla_ID1611737011 Lima-pilla Laercio laercio.lima-pilla[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 40 00 38 76 262 CR AAHP
Verdon_ID1634129550 Verdon Elia elia.verdon[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 40 00 35 54 125 Doct SEHP
Popov_ID1638350380 Popov Mihail mihail.popov[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 INRIA CR SEHP
Gouveia_lima_ID1643122368 Gouveia lima Luan teylo luan-teylo.gouveia-lima[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 INRIA MdC SEHP
Guermouche_ID1658758392 Guermouche Amina amina.guermouche[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 INRIA MdC 43
Bandet_ID1664886003 Bandet Alexis alexis.bandet[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 INRIA Doct SEHP
Orhan_ID1666699377 Orhan Diane diane.orhan[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 INRIA Doct 43
Gusak_ID1677597242 Gusak Yulia yulia.gusak[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 0 CR AAHP
Swartvagher_ID1690293436 Swartvagher Philippe philippe.swartvagher[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 INRIA MdC AAHP
D'aviau_de_piolant_ID1700138693 D'aviau de piolant Albert albert.daviau-de-piolant[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 00 INRIA Doct SEHP
Vinayagame_ID1700467109 Vinayagame Radjasouria radjasouria.vinayagame[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 INRIA Doct 43
Morin_ID1700467178 Morin Thomas thomas.morin[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 INRIA Doct 43
Lira_nunes_ID1712563693 Lira nunes Alan aliranunes[at]labri.fr +33 (0)5 24 57 40 00 INRIA Doct 43
Herault_ID1736170281 Herault Thomas thomas.herault[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 INRIA DR AAHP
Trochon_ID1736435939 Trochon Méline meline.trochon[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 INRIA Doct SEHP
Munhoz_pereira_filho_ID1739183075 Munhoz pereira filho Vanderlei vanderlei.munhoz-pereira-filho[at]labri.fr +33 (0)9 99 99 99 99 INRIA Doct AAHP