As part of the SCRIME's 20th anniversary festival, come and listen to the trio concert by François Rossé, Étienne Rolin and Jean-Michel Rivet, Wednesday, May 25, in the
As part of the series of events organized as part of the SCRIME's 20th anniversary festival, come and listen to Laurent Soulié's monographic concert on Tuesday, May 24
"The Prehistory of SCRIME": first part of the series of events organized as part of SCRIME's 20th anniversary festival, Tuesday, May 17, Hemicyclia Hall, 7-8pm.
Presentation of the MATh.en.JEANS workshops on Saturday 2022, May 14th, from 10am, at the IMB (Building A33).
The Chair Mobility and Intelligent Transport organizes the day "(Cyber) security and safety of connected mobilities" - Tuesday, May 10th at 11am (Enseirb-Matmeca - Bx-INP
MATh.en.JEANS is back with workshops for young researchers, who will present their research on Saturday April 09th, starting at 9am, at the IMB (Building A33).
The Palmes Académiques were awarded on March 15. Olivier Ly received the title of knight and Serge Dulucq that of commander.
To encourage young girls in 9th and 10th grade to choose mathematics and computer science, a free internship at the University of Bordeaux allows them to discover