Chaire IA

Launch of the Trustworthy AI ChairThe spectacular progress made in Artificial Intelligence (AI) opens up a vast field of possible applications, which is constantly evolving, particularly in the field of machine learning. However, behind these impressive results, there are still major limitations when it comes to deploying these systems in confidence with their users.
The aim of the Trustworthy AI Chair is to help organisations deploy the best solutions based on Artificial Intelligence, combining efficiency with the guarantees that can be expected.

Free but compulsory registration before 2023, June 16th. See the detailed announcement.

Find out more about the AI Chair, here.

The Chair's partners are pleased to invite you to the official launch of the project on Monday 26 June at 2pm, on the premises of ENSEIRB-MATMECA - Bordeaux INP.


- 2 pm - Opening by the Chair's academic representatives
- 2.45pm - Introduction to the AI context and current events - François PELLEGRINI
- 3.15pm - Presentation of the main objectives, themes and orientations of the Chair - Laurent SIMON
- 4 pm - Signing ceremony and speeches by the sponsors
- 4.30 pm - Cocktail and networking 

Free but compulsory registration, before 2023, June 16th, here.
