JDEF Journal de la Défense

As part of JDEF (Journal de la Défense), you can follow advances in AI, and in particular the interview and presentation of the ASTRID Assydus project, in which Serge Chaumette, Ema Falomir (Thalès) and Jean-Daniel Masson (AID-Agence de l'Innovation de Défense) are involved.
Read more in this post.

In 2024, the turning point for artificial intelligence is well and truly underway in France. France's ambition: to become the leading military power in AI in Europe and one of the top 3 in the world. Discover the new uses of this technology and several projects currently under development in this original Journal de la Défense.

On the YouTube channel of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, you can find the interview and presentation, here.
