Title: No more Boyer-Moore ! Quite old algorithmic string matching stuff but not so well known
Speaker: Mathieu Raffinot, CR CNRS, équipe BKB, LaBRI
Zoom link: https://u-bordeaux-fr.zoom.us/j/86294624564?pwd=Q0dBb25pNCtub09SV01nZURRNVFvZz09
In this talk, I will give a short review of the algorithms for finding the exact word in a text, highlighting the historical evolution of the context in which they were created and why. Most of the time it is already old material (in the scale of computer science), but it seems to be little known; proof of this is that the Boyer-Moore algorithm has been put in the program of the final option of NSI, whereas it should rationally not be used anymore, since we know how to make it faster and even optimal on average, simpler to understand and to code, and more extensible! Also I will mention the very little known results on this subject of Gilles Didier (CNRS, LIRMM) of 2015 which seem to close at least the theoretical research on the precise subject, but there are always surprises in this field, mainly in France, a country in which the inertia of academic research in computer science is very strong in spite of the rapid evolution of practical needs and techniques.