Maslov’s class K-bar is a fragment of First-Order Logic consisting of formulae in NNF whose variables occurring in the different atoms obey a certain
(Uniquement en présentiel / Only offline, no online version) We introduce a limit theory for Latin squares, paralleling the recent limit theories of
/Exposé en anglais/Talk in english/ We consider an edge version of the famous (and hard) degree-diameter problem, where one is wondering about the
/Exposé en anglais/Talk in english/ The Alon-Jaeger-Tarsi conjecture states that for any finite field F of size at least 4 and any nonsingular matrix
Real-time Operating Systems (RTOSs) are widely used to design and develop embedded safety critical software applications. Such applications have to be
/Exposé /Talk/ The Freeze-Tag Problem, introduced in Arkin et al. (SODA'02) consists of waking up a swarm of /n/ robots, starting from a single active
Petra Wolf, «Kernelizing Temporal Exploration Problems» Abstract: We study the kernelization of exploration problems on temporal graphs. A temporal
[Soutenance en anglais/Talk in english] Cette thèse traite des questions structurelles de la théorie des graphes qui découlent de motivations